Find A Foreign Church
How does it work?
Our directory is constantly being updated so new options can be delivered to those who are looking. From businesses to community groups and churches, you will always find new options in our listings.
Connect with Your Community
All you need to do is set your parameters around what you are looking for and the language you wish to speak in, and we will present you with the relevant options for you to contact. It couldn’t be easier, and that’s the point. We have designed this site and our processes to make the simple to-do tasks of life easier to navigate, especially for those who are not fluent in the English language.
When people arrive in a new community, churches and other community organisations can be a great way to connect with other locals and form new friendships. This is made much easier when you understand the language, which is why My Lingo exists.
Our directory connects you with a range of churches and organisations that are bilingual. Simply select your target language, and our directory will link you with a range of options. This can also be beneficial for English speaking community members who wish to grow their skills in a new language and culture.
The advantages of finding the right community
No matter your religion, the benefits of finding community-minded organisations are far-reaching. This is especially the case when you have just arrived in a new location. The ease of organisation that comes with the removal of the language barrier can make your new connections more comfortable and enjoyable.
Whether you are looking for a place to practice your faith, volunteer or take part in community events, our directory will help you discover the options relevant to you.
Connect with your new community today
Are you a business, community group or religious organisation that is bilingual? If so, we would love to add you to our directory. This can be a great way for you to reach out to new members and increase your fellowship with people who will appreciate hearing your word in their native tongue.
Contact us if you are interested in listing your organisation today.
Don’t forget to bookmark My Lingo for future reference
As the My Lingo directory and records are continually changing, we recommend that you bookmark our site for easy access. You’ll be able to find a range of services that can operate in your language of choice, making a range of tasks much simpler. Refer to our directory whenever you are in need of a specific service for a range of options.
My Lingo works to bridge the language gap for locals and newcomers, making life a lot easier for all. Take advantage of our site today and find a range of services, products and community events that are well-suited to your needs.